If you are like me you probably grew up thinking their wasn’t much you could do once you developed a cavity. You could prevent them by brushing regularly, flossing and avoiding a lot of sugars, but if you were one of the unlucky ones with a spot on your teeth you were destined to have a cavity in need of filling.
I was lucky. My dentist said that I probably had special saliva that protected my teeth, as my brother and sister both had cavities. I didn’t have any cavities in my baby or adult teeth for all of my life until about one year ago. I noticed a spot on one of my wisdom teeth. I would feel pain when I ate food sometimes and it was sensitive to cold and heat. I’ll get back to that cavity. For now I want to emphasize that I was lucky in the sense, I didn’t always brush my teeth regularly, and went more than a month once, as a kid, and never got a cavity. In my adult life I have not brushed my teeth regularly all of the time. I decided to change that habit because of the cavity I now have at 39 years old.
The idea came, I might be able to heal the cavity if I took good care of my teeth and learned more about healing cavities. Our youngest son had some tooth decay more than a year ago and I had come across some information on the internet about curing cavities. As far as our son is concerned, he had baby bottle tooth decay, which mainly happens when your baby nurses or uses a bottle, all through the night. Our little guy was nursing all through the night for a long time. Something we thought could only be good. It’s best to brush the teeth after nursing before bed time, and avoid feeding, as much as your willing, through the night, once your child has their upper front teeth in, as that is where the sugars from the milk pull the most. An alternative could be to clean the teeth in the night with a moistened cloth after nursing, and/or give a bottle after nursing with good water to dilute the sugars. We couldn’t do anything about our sons original tooth decay, but we were determined to learn all we could, and prevent it from happening any further. More than 1 year after the decay we visited the dentist and there was no new decay or cavities. It was a relief to find out further decay had ceased.
During that visit to the dentist one of the hygienists told us that if you had a little discoloration on a tooth you could stop a tooth from getting a cavity by practicing good teeth care. She also informed us, sodium fluoride could be painted on small areas of teeth and that would make the teeth stronger. We have had a bias against fluoride because of some information we have learned over time, but decided we would look into fluoride a little further.
Since then the understanding, fluoride has an affinity for calcium and silica and forms strong bonds with them, has been revealed to us. Silica and Calcium are both part of bone and teeth and the healing of them. When fluoride is painted on the teeth, it sticks to the teeth because of it’s special affinity for calcium, then it attracts more calcium to the teeth where it has bonded. The science behind this is good, and because of this reality fluoride can be defended in its use for one purpose only, which is to apply it topically and spit it out. Don’t get your hopes up to high about fluoride because it has a down side.
The substance it forms on the teeth is called fluorapatite and is said to be harder than the original tooth enamel, which is hydroxyapatite. Part of the down side, some people believe, is the new material is also more brittle. In addition to this it has been said that fluoride is an enzyme inhibitor, which translates as, it affects your whole body system. Going further, it makes no sense at all to consume fluoride, and it’s probably more dangerous than originally thought.
If you have a fluoride toothpaste at your home, read the warning on it that states if you swallow more than a pea size amount to call a poison control center. If you had fluoride treatments on your teeth as a child, remember being told not to swallow it, because it was poison. The ADA is now advising not to use tap water, or any other water with fluoride in it, for your baby formula because it may cause brain damage and fluorosis. Fluorosis is a known result of fluoride ingestion. Minor fluorosis will appear as white streaks on your teeth and severe fluorosis can create many yellow and dark brown spots all over your teeth.
Beyond fluorosis you can imagine the effect that it must have on your bones not to mention every other tissue of your body because of it’s highly reactive nature. More recently some evidence has surfaced about fluoride calcifying your pineal gland. Your pineal gland produces melatonin and dimethyltryptamine, and in some spiritual practices, is referred to as the seat of your soul or third eye. The spiritual relation is more than likely related to, dimethyltryptamine, which is a natural hallucinogenic, believed to effect dream states. Whether or not you think of it in this way is not as important as the fact, the pineal gland plays an important role in your endocrine system, including melatonin monitoring circadian rhythms and the sleep wake cycle.
William Marcus experimented with fluoride on rats and attributed it to causing bone and liver cancer. Dr. Phyllis Mullenix said that it caused neurotoxicity and basically made kids less intelligent. She was fired for revealing this information. There is a dark side of fluoride which has been buried as much as possible. In his book, Christopher Bryson reveals how fluoride was discovered to have severe harmful effect on employees who worked with it. After these discoveries were made, Harold Hodges was in charge of educating the public about the safety of fluoride at one part per million in water, and from there it was pushed on the public through the water supply. It is believed by some, this was a direct cover up of the real dangers of fluoride known at the time, the thinking being, “It can’t be viewed as bad if it’s advertised as being safe enough to put in the water.” Harold Hodges, who claimed it was safe to ingest fluoride, happens to be the same person who was the Chief Toxicologist of the Manhatten Project. During the project, Harold Hodges was the head of experiments done on humans, which involved injecting them with plutonium. This is the person who disseminated the information of the safety of fluoride. It is also worth mentioning, it was once advertised to the public, lead was perfectly safe as well.
The following is a direct quote from wikipedia. “Hexafluorosilicic acid releases hydrogen fluoride when evaporated, so it has similar risks. It is corrosive and may cause fluoride poisoning; inhalation of the vapors may cause lung edema. Like hydrogen fluoride, it attacks glass and stoneware.” The form of fluoride referred to above, hexafluorosilicic acid, happens to be the most common fluoride form added to municipal water supplies. It is dangerous and a toxic byproduct of the phosphorus industry. We are only scratching the surface on this issue.
The fact is, there is almost no difference in tooth decay among people living in fluoridated areas versus non fluoridated areas. In 1986 a survey was conducted in the United States by pro fluoridation researchers that worked for the National Institute of Dental Research. 39,000 children in 84 communities were looked at. What they found may be shocking for the reader. Between fluoridated communities and non fluoridated communities there was a difference of 6/10 of a tooth surface being saved in the communities that had fluoridated water supplies; There are about 5 tooth surfaces to each tooth. There are approximately 120 surfaces to all of the teeth together, so this means about .5% difference in the amount of the teeth being saved from decay. In case it needs to be stated again, we’re talking about a very small percentage of one tooth being saved from decay from drinking fluoridated tap water.
Summing up fluoride, the evidence seems pretty clear, fluoride is NOT for drinking or ingesting in anyway. That being said, if a person feels fluoride might benefit them, the only way it might be safe, would be to have sodium fluoride painted on your teeth and rinsed thoroughly shortly after. We decided not to use fluoride on our son’s teeth and he has no new decay, as mentioned earlier. Now, let’s get into what is good for your teeth.
The first thing you need to know is your teeth are constantly demineralizing and remineralizing. This is happening more or less, one way or the other, depending on the environment of your mouth. If you have alkalizing saliva and are keeping bad bacteria at bay, favorable conditions for remineralizing can be aquired.
Something you might not know, but should be aware of is almost every kind of toothpaste has glycerin in it. Glycerin leaves a coating on your teeth that keeps them from being able to properly remineralize. You can use a product called “toothsoap” to remove the glycerin. This soap replaces your toothpaste and leaves your mouth feeling much better. In addition it rids your teeth of glycerin, kills bacteria and creates a more favorable condition for your teeth to remineralize. You can learn more about toothsoap by clicking here!
The toothsoap will be the first step. Let’s get into what else you can do. To start with you are going to want to brush once in the morning and once before you go to bed, sometime after your last meal.
Use a soft bristle brush and brush gently from the gums downward.
Do not brush right after meals, especially after citrus. Citrus fruit acids can cause more tooth enamel loss, if you brush right after eating them.(continue to eat fruits, just read the next step and follow the directions)
After eating, cause your salivary gland to produce more saliva, and circulate it through your mouth and teeth for awhile. This helps to breakdown food further and gets your saliva back to conditions for remineralization.
I like to rinse my drinking water through my teeth after the proceeding step and swallow to make sure I’ve removed more food from my teeth.
After brushing, you can rinse your mouth out with a good sea salt. This will further reduce bacteria and increase alkalinity.
Remember to floss at least once per day.
It is suggested by some people, using baking soda once per week can help to reduce tartar.
For whitening you can use a food based hydrogen peroxide, not more than once per month.
After cleaning your teeth with toothsoap or something else which achieves the same results for 1 month or more, it might be a good idea to visit the dentist and have them help you remove any plaque still on your teeth. After the dentist visit you should be able to keep your teeth up, on your own pretty well.(This doesn’t mean you should never see a dentist again, only next time you might enjoy the visit more.)
In addition to the previous practices you can do some other things to assist your body in remineralizing your teeth. An alkalizing diet can be achieved by adding more greens into your diet. Vegetables, in general, are alkalizing, so get them into your eating regime if they aren’t already. Vitamins C, D and A, and the minerals, silica, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and MSM are also important nutrient materials for healthy teeth and gums.
We’ve covered some of the essentials for keeping your teeth healthy. Their are other practices that can even assist you further. Check out the Toothsoap website and the references below for furthering your knowledge.
By Sye Rodriguez
More information added
Toothsoap website
Nadine Artemis – Living Libations Website – an excellent resource for teeth care
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration – Weston A. Price, MS., D.D.S., F.A.G.D.
Fluoride Deception – Christopher Bryson,
Animated-teeth website
Calcium and Fluoride – video
Flouride Debate on Irish TV
Wikipedia, Endocrine System
Wikipedia, Pineal Gland
Natural News
Healthy Teeth | Ban Fluoridated Water
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