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Is The Cabela’s Ultralight II The Right Pack For You?

Here’s my personal review and un boxing of this foldable backpack

I just picked up 5 of these Ultralight II Packs from Cabela’s and I thought I’d share a little about them and why I got them with you, so you can see if they are something that might fit your lifestyle.

For a long time now, I’ve lived a pretty simple life, and I like to keep things a simple as possible, most of the time.

This Summer My Family and I are going to Hungary for a month, and we wanted to travel as light as possible.

As a result, we decided that each of us would only bring a backpack with whatever we could fit into it.

You know what it’s like to travel with big bags or suitcases, right?

You’ve got to check them in and out, and sometimes even pay extra for them.

That’s part of the reason we’re so excited to travel with these little backpacks this time.

Less waiting time, and a lighter load overall, and not much to keep track of.

A Closer Look At The Ultralight 23 Liter Pack:

  • These foldable backpacks have 2 outside zipper storage areas and one on the inside.
  • You can use the adjustable side compression straps to stabilize the contents of your pack.
  • It has 2 integrated water bottle pockets.
  • This backpack has a foam-padded back panel and stretch mesh shoulder straps for extra comfort and..
  • It packs into itself for easy stowing.

The bottom line is, we like these backpacks and so do our kids.

We’re going to travel light and that makes traveling a lot more fun.

Let me know if you get one of these packs and if you like it.

I’d also be interested in knowing what types of light weight packs you might have, and what you like best in a back pack.

Get Your Ultralight II Pack At Cabela’s HERE!


Have You Heard About The Most Interesting Man In The World?

I was having some fun here, and I thought I’d share it with you.  If you don’t know about the Most Interesting Man In The World Beer Commercials, they are worth checking out on Youtube.

I’m not a beer drinker anymore, but I do still drink Tea, and my favorite happens to be Yerba Mate.

I hope you enjoyed this short Most Interesting Man In The World Video Commercial.

Have you maid your own Most Interesting Man/Woman In The World Video?

Share Your Link With Other Viewers Below!

If you are into Yerba Mate Tea, Below are some links to buy my current favorite Yerba Mate.

Buy Good Yerba Mate:
Nativa 2 LB 20 Pack

EcoTeas 1 LB


Done With The Gym And Back To Home Workouts With New Insight And Inspiration

As you may know if you’ve been following me, I’ve had a Gym Membership for the last couple of weeks, and I’ve documented that to see what kind of results I might get, or changes I might go through.

I’ve completed that 2 weeks at the Gym, and I definitely liked the equipment, and being able to target specific areas of the body very effectively.

Now, that temporary membership is over, and I may go back again, but I have a new inspiration about working out, and I want to document that so you and I can benefit from the experience.

I’ve been doing some kind of workout for most of my life, and for many of the recent years I’ve been focused on body weight exercises and overall fitness.

I even wrote a book called Sexy Fit, now known as Body Mastery Without A Gym that was primarily focused on getting into shape simply, with minimal equipment.

Today, I went back to doing my outside of the gym exercise, and I was very inspired.  There is probably more than 1 reason for that, but part of it might be that it’s something different that I’ve been doing for the last couple of weeks, so my body is inspired again.

What I’m really excited to share with you though are the insights that I had while I was exercising today.

The 1st Insight – Longer Rest equals better recovery equals better performance.  I am going to be documenting this so we’ll find out together if that insight helps me to get better results, but I feel very inspired by it.

For most of my life, I’ve pushed myself extremely, and lately I feel like I’ve over done it sometimes and may have even injured myself a couple of times as a result.

I’ve been focused on doing things a specific way, and doing the workouts regardless of how I feel, just to stay consistent.

Although I think that’s a good thing generally, to be consistent, I think a person can lock them selves into patterns that lead to injuries, or just don’t produce optimal results.

This insight has inspired me to give myself a more full recovery, and also to not completely exhaust myself on every workout, which leads me to the next great insight.  This insight is not new, but I have a fresh perspective on it.

The 2nd Insight – Listen to my body and do what I feel most inspired to do on days I do workout.

Most of us have been told to listen to your body, and we’ve probably adopted that philosophy to some degree, but I’m taking it to a whole different level.  I’m going to stop my workouts early if my body feels uninspired, and push it a little more when my body feels motivated.

I’m also going to allow myself to completely skip days if my body doesn’t seem well recovered and wait until I’m excited to go and do some exercise, then really enjoy it and feel it.

I also have some other ideas about how this might look as I go forward, so I’ll share more with you over the coming days/weeks to keep you in the loop.

Thanks for taking the time to watch these videos and read my articles.  Let me know if you have any questions, or feel free to share your thoughts as comments.



Gym Vs Home Workouts

I’ve recently spent 2 weeks in the gym to see if it’s a worthy investment of my time, and I documented it so you can see 1st hand what’s possible.

The Bottom Line About Gym Workouts

2 weeks is not a long enough to see an amazing transformation, But… it is GOOD for getting yourself acquainted with a number of exercises, whether you do them with free weights or machines.

If you’re not used to the Gym, it can be very inspiring to your body.  You can do enough different types of training to really inspire specific muscle groups, which motivates you to continue working out.

It’s easy to gage progress, because you know what amount of weight your working with from one day to the next, and you’ll definitely be able to increase your strength.

The Gym is great for injury recovery exercises:

Because you can isolate muscles so specifically with different types of equipment, you can strengthen weak areas of your body without putting much stress on injuries.

I have an injury I’ve been working on recovering from, and the gym definitely helped me recover a little.  But beware…

You can easily injure yourself by pushing to hard.  Advance slowly.

Is The Gym Worth It?

Depending on what you’re trying to achieve, the gym can be great.  Based on this short experience, I know you can completely transform yourself, and build some confidence at the same time.

Having so many different types of equipment to choose from makes finding something inspiring to your body pretty simple.  As you probably know, it’s good to change up your routine, and give yourself plenty of time to recover before pushing the same parts of your body again, and the many options in the gym make it pretty simple to come up with a routine.

As for myself, Although I liked the Gym and I’ll probably go back at some point, I love doing workouts outside of the gym, and I’m inspired to go back to those, with a new inspiration, and some great insights.

Thanks for reading here and watching my videos.  Let me know if this was helpful to you, and what your experience in the gym has been.


An Excellent Amazon Coupon Code Creation Tutorial

If you’re an Amazon Seller and you want to know how to create promotional codes, this video is for you.

This is a great video if you want to learn how to create promotional discount codes for your products listed on Amazon.

As an FBA seller, using promotional codes is a great way to boost your business on Amazon.

Please let me know if this video was helpful and easy to follow.

Learn To Sell On Amazon!

Proven Amazon Course Order Page



Have Some Tea With Me

I’m sharing the tea I’m drinking, and a little about life purpose.

Also, have you ever thought about trading your worst addictions for better ones?

You’ll see all this and more, in “Tea Time With A Vegan”

I Hope you enjoy it.

Health is one of the most important things to me, and I’m all about it.  Do you value Health too?  If so, I’m glad your here.

What’s your favorite Tea?

Have you figured out your life purpose?

Please comment if you feel inspired.

Peace. : )


Are TV and Movies BAD or Is NO TV or Movies The Real BAD?

Giving up TV for a month had it’s good and bad points, but over all, I’m happy I did it.

The truth is, I was very excited the day before it ended, knowing that I’d be able to watch again if I wanted too, and I do want to, but…

I did watch a little Amazon Prime Programming after I completed this video, and I’m happy to say it seemed pretty empty to me.

It’s kind of neat to see the kind of transformation that can happen in 30 days, even when it’s a tough challenge, which this was.

Not watching TV was the most difficult in the beginning, and I definitely went through withdrawals.

I was sad and a little lost sometimes, but I did do more of what I’d consider important as a result of not being able to tune into the TV/Movie sort of entertainment.

Time will tell if I will fall back into it, but for now I feel thankful.

I feel it’s fine to watch a little, but it doesn’t seem like a priority at all.

What’s your experience? Did you do this challenge too? Will you kill your TV or put it on an ALTER? : )

You can watch Part 1 of the Challenge, When it began, by Clicking HERE!



I Didn’t Account For This When I Decided To Start Getting Up At 6 Every Morning

It’s been several weeks since I started getting up at 6 am now, and there’s a lot of things I like about it, but unfortunately I FAILED.

Or… Maybe fortunately.

Like the wise one said, “Every failure brings you one step closer to success.”

I will continue to get up at 6 in the morning, but here’s how I failed.

I went on a short vacation, with just my kids, and they were not on the schedule I’m used to, and ended up going to bed later.

Now maybe I could have controlled the situation a little better, but I didn’t, and that’s okay.

I ended up getting up between 6 am and 8 am everyday, and originally I felt bad about not sticking to my strict 6 am time, but now I’m feeling differently.

On vacation, I want to feel good, and part of that means getting enough rest.  If I go to bed later on a vacation, I’m not going to beat myself up about getting up a little later.

So there…. : )

Getting up early still beats sleeping in late.  If you’re staying up late and GETTING Up Late, you may want to SEE 11 Tips To Help You Wake Up Early In The Morning.



Has The Television Got You Hypnotized Night After Night?

The TV Had me, and Now I’m taking back what’s mine.

I know… watching TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu or even Youtube can be a lot of fun, but what’s it costing you?


For 30 Days, I won’t be watching TV and I hope you’ll join me if you think you need a break.

I intend to go a full 30 days from now without watching, but I really started this challenge a few days ago, and I know it’s going to be a good one.

It’s amazing how easy it is to Binge Watch many of the Easily Available TV series on Amazon Prime or Netflix, and that’s what I was doing.

I got excited about this challenge several days ago, and I began immediately.

What’s even more amazing is how serious the withdrawal symptoms have been. I didn’t know how much I was using TV as an escape until I stopped abruptly.

I kind of lost my self this weekend and became a little violent. Don’t worry, I wasn’t violent towards anyone, but I did break my new office chair when I got upset, and I blew up on more than one occasion. NOT Proud. : )

The good thing is, now I know this is a real challenge; One that’s got me cornered and faced with the reality I live in.

If you’re like me, and determined to make good changes in your life, you might benefit from a TV Break.

Just so you know, I don’t think you have to go to extremes. I’ll be cutting out all TV, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, along with Youtube viewing for the sake of entertainment, but I am allowing some conditional watching during the 30 days.

I’ll watch if…

  • My wife asks me to watch a movie with her, which almost never happens.
  • My kids ask me to watch something for fun during playtime.
  • It’s something relevant to the Niches I follow to learn from.
  • It’s educational, and/or tutorial.

What will you do? Can you Break Up with Your TV for 30 Days?

Let me know if you do, and how it’s going. Peace. : )

Watch Part 2 – The 30 Day No TV Challenge Ends HERE!


Are You TIRED Of Sleeping In Late?

If you are ready to start getting up in early in the morning, I’m here to help.

I can’t say it’s easy, but I’ve been getting up at 6 am for 3 weeks now, and I’m going to share what’s helped me to get up in the morning with YOU.

If you’d rather skip the video, I’ll give you the short solution to getting up earlier now.

A few weeks back I gave 11 tips to help you get out of bed in a post about this subject, and you can read that HERE!

The best advice I have to help you get up is…

Number 1 – Tell someone you respect and you keep commitments to that you are going to get up at a specific time.  This is what’s helped me get up on the tougher days.

Number 2 – Set an alarm and put it outside of your room.  Having to get up to turn it off will help you to STAY Up.

Number 3 – Give yourself 1 day per week to sleep a little, NOT a Lot, longer.  I’ve been sleeping until 8 on Sundays, and it takes the pressure off to know I can sleep a little longer 1 day if I feel like it.

The above 3 Tips have proven to be the most important for me in getting up early in the morning.

If you start there, you’ll make adjustments to make it easier if you’re struggling.  For example, if you’re staying up late, and it’s making it difficult to get up, as long as you’ve made a commitment to someone else that you’re going to get up, you’ll eventually get tired of feeling Tired, and go to sleep a little earlier.

For me, I’ve decided to cut back my tea intake.  I’m hoping that will help me to FEEL like going to bed earlier.  I’ll let you know how that’s working out sometime soon, and post a link below.

For now, I wish you success waking up earlier in the morning.  Peace : )